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  CN Red Deer station 1955 - Red Deer Archives

Forth Junction Project
CNR Railway Stations of
Central Alberta

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Heritage Preservation
Forth Junction
Heritage Society

Railways of Central Alberta

Railway Stations

Rail Bridges & Structures

Trains, Transit & Trails

Central Alberta Overview

C&ER Combination Stations

Historic Red Deer 1910 CPR 'Jewel'

4 Stations of Red Deer

Central Alberta CPR Station Styles

Central Alberta CNR Station Styles

Portable Stations

Multiple Station Communities

Canadian National Railway Stations
built in Central Alberta
(updated Mar. 2022)

Photo descriptions and credits at bottom of page.

Usually, when a new rail line was built, the railway placed a temporary or portable station (sometimes a boxcar) at a location until it was determined what kind of station would be appropriate. Sometimes the 'temporary' station was in place for several years. The following are some of the 'permanent' stations built by the Canadian Northern, Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian National in Central Alberta. In many cases, the 'permanent' station was replaced by a larger one if the railway or the community had special significance.

Canadian Northern 2nd class station Plan 39 (1911-13)
Big Valley CN Station 2007 - Pettypiece

Big Valley

(Alberta Midland arrived 1911 - division point 1914-1923)
built 1912; stucco applied 1942; closed 1967; line purchased by Central Western Railway 1986; line purchased by Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions 1998; station restored by Canadian Northern Society as historic site and terminus of Alberta Prairie Steam Tours

Stettler Canadian Northern station at museum 2010 - Pettypiece 


(Alberta Midland arrived 1911)
built 1911; stucco applied 1937; relocated a few blocks to Town & Country Museum Stettler
built 1913; stucco applied 1937; closed 1990; designated historic site; plans to relocate and restore
Similar stations were built at Athabasca, Alberta and Kindersley, Saskatchewan

Note: Alberta Midland Railway was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian Northern Railway.


Canadian Northern 3rd class station Plan 29 (1911-19)
Sylvan Lake CNR station c1940 - SL Archives

Sylvan Lake

rendering of Canadian Northern 3rd class station - Pettypiece graphicCNWR arrived 1911)
built 1913; demolished or removed



(CNWR arrived 1912)

built 1913; demolished


(CNWR arrived 1912)

rendering of Canadian Northern 3rd class station - Pettypiece graphicbuilt 1912; demolished or removed



(CNWR arrived 1912)

built 1912; stucco applied 1945; demolished or removed
Prentiss CNor 3rd class station 1945 - Ellis photoPrentiss
(CNWR arrived 1911)

built 1912; demolished or removed

rendering of Canadian Northern 3rd class station - Pettypiece graphic
(CNWR arrived 1911)
built 1913; demolished or removed

(CNWR arrived 1911)

built 1912; sold 1962

(CNWR arrived 1911)
built 1912; abandoned 1922 after creation of Canadian National and change of crew from Big Valley to Mirror; relocated to GTP site for Three Hills sub station in 1927; demolished 1975

(Alberta Midland arrived 1911)

built 1911; stucco applied 1937; demolished; a CNor 4th class 1909 station was relocated to the Donalda site from Vandura Saskatchewan and restored


Meeting Creek preserved CNor 3rd class station 2013 - PettypieceMeeting Creek
(Alberta Midland arrived 1911)
built 1913; stucco applied 1937; closed 1981; restored 1987 on original site

Camrose CNor 3rd class station preserved 2013 - PettypieceCamrose
(Alberta Midland arrived 1911)

built 1911; stucco applied 1937; closed 1988; restored and relocated 1993; used as museum and headquarters for CNor Historical Society
Similar stations were built at Drumheller, Munson, Morrin, Delia and Red Willow
Note: CNWR (Canadian Northern Western Railway) and Alberta Midland Railway were subsidiaries of Canadian Northern created to take advantage of government subsidies.

Canadian Northern Freight and Passenger Shelter
(CNWR arrived 1911) built 1916; destroyed by fire 1961
(CNWR arrived 1911) built 1915; relocated 1959
(CNWR arrived 1911) built 1919; removed
(CNWR arrived 1914) built 1918; closed 1955; removed 1959
(CNWR arrived 1914) built 1918; closed 1955; removed 1959
(CNWR arrived 1914) built 1924

Mirror CNR station
rendering of Mirror GTP station - Pettypiece graphicGrand Trunk Pacific
Design 'E' Mirror Station Plan 157

(GTP arrived in 1911; Mirror becomes division point 1911 between Edmonton and Calgary)

Modified Type E built 1911; stucco applied 1944; destroyed by fire 1975

Similar stations were built at Camrose and Tofield Alberta as well as Battleford and Yorkton, Sask.

Grand Trunk Pacific Type E station (1911-13)
Ardley CNR station on farm 2010 - PettypieceAlix
(GTP arrived 1911)

built 1911; converted to section house 1927

(GTP arrived 1911)

built 1911; stucco applied 1936; closed 1965; purchased for $30 and relocated 1967 to farm outside of community
Delburne CN Station at Anthony Henday Museum 2007 - Pettypiece

(GTP arrived 1911)

built 1912; stucco applied 1922; relocated a few blocks in 1978 to Anthony Henday Museum


(GTP arrived 1911)

built 1911; stucco applied 1922; demolished 1975



(GTP arrived 1912)

built 1913; stucco applied 1922; demolished 1976

rendering of GTP Type E station - Pettypiece graphicTrochu
(GTP arrived 1912)
built 1912; stucco applied 1922; replaced 1959 with 'modern' design (see below)


Three Hills
(GTP arrived 1912)

built 1912 on west side of tracks; replaced in 1919 by GTP Type F (stuccoed) on east side of tracks; moved to east side of tracks and used as section house; demolished 1975 (original Type E)
(GTP arrived 1911)
built 1911; stucco applied 1922; demolished or removed
Similar stations were built at Duhamel, New Norway, Beiseker, Irricana, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Hinton and 39 other Alberta locations. Over 350 stations in the Class E category were built in Western Canada.

Three Hills GTP Type F station at museum 2012 - PettypieceGrand Trunk Pacific Type F station
Three Hills

(GTP arrived 1912)
built 1919 on east side of tracks to replace Type E station on west side of tracks; relocated a few blocks to Kneehill Historical Museum 1985
Only 2 others of this type were built in Alberta and 9 were built in Saskatchewan. The Three Hills station is the only one known to have survived.
CNWR station Nordegg 1925 - Glenbow Archives  

Canadian Northern 3rd class station
Plan 75 (1914-1922)
rendering of Canadian Northern 3rd class station - Pettypiece graphicNordegg/Brazeau

(CNWR arrived 1914)
built 1914; closed 1955; demolished or removed; Only one of its plan type in Alberta; 4 in Sask.; 3 in Man.
Note: a number of stations of unknown type, possibly portables, were built along the CNWR between Rocky Mountain House and Nordegg in 1913-14 at Horburg, Saunders and probably other localities

Canadian Northern 3rd class station Plan 72 (1915-1924)

Rowley CNor Station 2012 - Pettypiece
Warden Jct.
(Alberta Midland and CNWR arrived 1911)

built 1919 to replace CNor 4th class station destroyed by fire 1919; stuccoed 1942; sold and demolished 1984


Rowley built 1922 to replace small freight and passenger station; stucco applied 1939; rail line abandoned; station restored in 1980s by Canadian Northern Society
Similar stations were built at 20 other Alberta locations (including 4 along the Drumheller sub between Hanna and Calgary), 29 in Sask.; 7 in Man.

Lochearn CN/CP station Rocky Mountain House 1921

CNWR/CPR Lochearn station at Rocky Mountain House
CPR Standard A3 station (1920)
Rocky Mountain House
(CNWR arrived 1912, Alberta Central arrived 1914 but CNWR used CPR/ACR river bridge built in 1912 requiring 4 miles of shared trackage)

shared CPR Standard A3 station built 1920 to replace portables; named 'Lochearn' until at least mid-1920s, later station renamed 'Rocky Mtn House'; destroyed by fire 1967


Canadian National Red Deer station Plan 148 (1923)

Red Deer CNR station 1955 - Red Deer Archives
aerial view of rear of CN Red Deer station 1955Red Deer

(CNWR arrived 1911 on north side of river as part of plan for a Calgary-Edmonton north-south route; Red Deer River bridge constructed 1920 by Canadian National at mouth of Waskasoo Creek to link with east end of downtown Red Deer; bridge abandoned 1941 due to washouts; service to station was maintained by constructing a link to the CPR yards and an agreement to use trackage from North Junction)

Red Deer CNR station 1923 - Pettypiece graphic

New station built 1923 (replacing temporary station) as a one-of-a-kind modified Canadian National Railways third class station similar to but significantly different than the Canadian Northern third class stations built prior to implementation of CNR standard third class plan;
Red Deer CNR station 1956 - Pettypiece graphic62'x24', platform 300'x12'; main floor had ticket office, waiting rooms, toilets, baggage and express; residence on 2nd floor; after several bridge washouts, new link made to CPR yards further west; last passenger train (mixed) 1955; closed and demolished 1960 with yards relocated back to north side of river and station land redeveloped for Co-op Shopping Centre; b/w photos indicate change of paint scheme in 1955 from white/grey with green trim to oxide red with cream trim.
CN Trochu modern station replacement 1959
Canadian National Modern station
Plan 365 (1959)


(GTP arrived 1912)

built 1959 to replace an existing Type E; closed 1971; demolished

Photo descriptions and credits:
Header: Red Deer 1923 Canadian National Railways modified 3rd class station 1955 (Red Deer Archives P7009);
Big Valley 1912 Canadian Northern 2nd class station (Paul Pettypiece 2007);
Stettler 1911 Canadian Northern 2nd class station (Paul Pettypiece 2010);
Sylvan Lake 1913 Canadian Northern 3rd class station ca 1940 (Sylvan Lake Archives);
Prentiss 1912 Canadian Northern 3rd class station 1945 (Ellis photo);
Renderings of Canadian Northern 3rd class station 3 variations (Paul Pettypiece);
Meeting Creek 1913 Canadian Northern 3rd class station restored (Paul Pettypiece 2013);
Camrose 1911 Canadian Northern 3rd class station restored (Paul Pettypiece 2013);
Mirror 1911 Grand Trunk Pacific Design E station (date & source unknown);
Rendering of Mirror Grand Trunk Pacific Design E station (Paul Pettypiece);
Ardley 1911 Grand Trunk Pacific type E station now farm building (Paul Pettypiece 2010);
Delburne 1912 Grand Trunk Pacific type E station at Anthony Henday Museum (Paul Pettypiece 2007);
Rendering of Grand Trunk Pacific type E station (Paul Pettypiece);
Three Hills 1919 Grand Trunk Pacific type F station at Kneehill Historical Museum (Paul Pettypiece 2012);
Rendering of Canadian Northern 3rd class station 4th variation (Paul Pettypiece);
Nordegg/Brazeau 1914 Canadian Northern 3rd class station ca 1925 (Glenbow Archives NA-5606-12);
Rowley 1922 Canadian National 3rd class CNor station restored (Paul Pettypiece 2012);
Rocky Mountain House/Lochearn 1920 Canadian Pacific standard A3 station 1921 (source unknown);
Red Deer 1923 Canadian National Railways modified 3rd class station 1955 (Red Deer Archives P7009);
Red Deer 1923 Canadian National Railways modified 3rd class station rear 1955 (Archives Alberta cropped);
Rendering of 1923 Canadian National Railways modified 3rd class station as built (Paul Pettypiece);
Rendering of 1923 Canadian National Railways modified 3rd class station in 1956 (Paul Pettypiece);
Trochu 1959 Canadian National Railways modern station 1959 (source unknown)

Note: All renderings are the intellectual property of Paul Pettypiece and may only be used for personal or historical use.
Photos courtesy of Red Deer Archives, Glenbow Archives, Provincial Archives of Alberta, Sylvan Lake Archives and Paul Pettypiece.
A few have an unknown source.


Railway Stations of the Region
C & ER Combination Stations
Portable Stations
Red Deer CPR 1910 Station
Role of Railway Stations
Red Deer's 4 Stations
CPR Stations in Central Alberta
CNR Stations in Central Alberta
Multiple Station Communities
Station Plans

The Railways of Central Alberta
Calgary & Edmonton Railway
C & E Railway at Red Deer
Alberta Central Railway
Canadian Northern Railway
Canadian Northern Western RR
Canadian National Railway in RD
Grand Trunk Pacific Central Alberta
Lacombe & Blindman Valley RR
Timetable Excerpts
Trails, Transit, Trains
Trails and Trains Overview
Trains and Transit Overview

Milestones 1910-13
Calgary Edmonton Trail
Transit in Central Alberta
Red Deer Transit

Jubilee 3001 Chinook
Locomotives Central Alberta
Rise and Fall of Passenger Rail


Bridges, Structures, Heritage
Rail Structures of Region
Central Alberta Rail Bridges

Mintlaw Trestle
Alberta's Railway Bridges
Western Canada Rail Bridges



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